EZ Koat 15 Plus
UV/Aqueous Flood Coating & Curing System for cut-sheets
The EZ Koat is now a legacy product. Check out the Phoenix for our latest flood coating equipment.
EZ Koat 15 Plus
The EZ Koat 15 Plus is a cost effective, entry level flood coating and priming system. Capable of coating a sheet size of 14.5” wide by virtually any length, users can easily apply UV, aqueous, specialty coatings and primers. Whether digital output or offset, each job will have the visual appeal, lasting durability, protection and rub resistant finish that your customers expect! The EZ Koat 15 Plus produces the highest gloss and a perfect finish every time!
Compact and can be used offline…
This USA-made coating system simplifies the application of UV, aqueous, and specialty coatings and primers. It features a color touch screen for precise coating control and speed adjustments, a Solid State Digital UV lamp for efficient curing and temperature management, and a waste-free design with no re-circulation. Quick 2-minute coating changes further enhance its efficiency.
Affordable Entry-Level Flood Coating and Priming System
The EZ Koat 15 Plus is an ideal solution for enhancing the quality and appeal of product brochures, catalog covers, postcards, business cards, flyers, and more. This versatile offline coating and curing system allows quick and easy application of UV, aqueous, primer, and specialty coatings on a wide range of substrates, including digitally printed materials. Discover how the EZ Koat 15 Plus can meet your coating needs by contacting us at (908) 534-8411 for a no-obligation consultation.
The Kompac EZ Koat 15 is a small footprint coating system capable of applying UV and Aqueous coatings and primers to substrates.
Pictured Left to Right: UV gloss flood coating, sample printed by Xeikon and UV high gloss flood coating by Kompac, aqueous gloss flood coating
Product Specifications
Sheet Size: 14.5" (368mm) x unlimited length (hand-fed)
UV Lamp: Solid State - infinitely variable UV Solid State
Speed: Up to 100 feet (30.5 meters) per minute
Stock Weight: 7pt. to 30pt. 150g/m² to 600g/m²
Controls: Adjustable speed & UV intensity
Weight: 400lbs. 181kgs.
Dimensions: 78" L x 29"W x 50"H 1.98m x .74m x 1.27m
Electrical: 208-230/1Φ/50-60Hz/25 amps
Available Options
Coating sensor: Automatically detects coating level & replenishes as needed
6kW Lamp Driver: Enables up to 400W/inch for difficult curing applications (3kW standard, 200W/inch)
Exhaust/Vacuum System: Provides vacuum for additional sheet control, fume and heat ventilation, and cooling for 6kW option.
Coating Agitator: Allows running UV matte and soft touch coatings.
Cool UV: Add on for heat sensitive substrates.